
World Toilet Day: I do n’t want my toothbrush to be infected with toilet bacteria

Most people brush their teeth at least once a day in the morning and at night to keep their mouths clean. In fact, are your toothbrushes clean? How many bacteria can a toothbrush have, and what bacteria are attached? And will toothbrushes get more bacteria in the bathroom? Let's make it clear to everyone once it is World Toilet Day! A research team at the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom has investigated that a toothbrush may contain more than 100 million bacteria, including E. coli, which causes diarrhea, and staphylococci that penetrate the skin. However, in fact, most people do not have to worry too much about this problem, because the human mouth is already full of bacteria. As long as there are no serious wounds in your mouth, the chance of bacteria infecting your body through a toothbrush into your mouth is extremely remote. Professor Gayle McCombs, director of the Oral Hygiene Research Center at Old Dominion University, points out that you don't need to worry about how many bacteria are in your mouth, or how many of these bacteria come from toothbrushes, because the problem lies only in the ecology of the bacteria in your mouth. When it becomes unbalanced. Kimberly Harms, a dentist of the American Dental Association, said: "The plaque cleaned from the teeth is a collection of bacteria, and brushing is the movement of bacteria from the mouth to the toothbrush." ​​Therefore, it is normal to have bacteria on the toothbrush. Toothbrush at least 1.83 meters from the toilet No matter how many bacteria live in your mouth or are attached by a toothbrush, your body's natural defense system makes it less likely that you will be infected by brushing your teeth. However, we need to pay attention to where the toothbrush is placed. Since most bathrooms are small, toilets are usually close to the sink where you brush your teeth. As a result, bacteria are spread into the air whenever the toilet is flushed. If the toothbrush is too close to the toilet, the bacteria may be directly stained. "You don't put your rice bowls and cups in the toilet, so why do you put your toothbrush here?" McCCombs said, "This is common sense. You should keep your toothbrush away from the toilet." According to a gazette report from Harvard University, the foul gas generated during flushing can spread as far as 1.83 meters away, so your toothbrush must be at least 1.83 meters away from the toilet, otherwise bacteria from the toilet may attach On the toothbrush. How do I keep my toothbrush clean? Rinse clean: Rinse your teeth with water before and after each brush. Keep dry: Bacteria like a humid environment. Make sure that between brushing and brushing, the toothbrush can dry out. Avoid using a toothbrush cover, it will increase the humidity of the toothbrush and create a friendly environment for bacteria. Keep your toothbrush upright: Try to keep your toothbrush upright instead of lying flat. Use only your own toothbrush: No matter how good your relationship with your siblings, spouse, or roommate is, don't use their toothbrush. Don't even keep your toothbrush in the same cup as theirs. Once the toothbrushes come in contact with each other, the germs will still communicate. Is disinfecting toothbrush effective? There are a variety of products on the market that claim to disinfect toothbrushes. Among them are sterilization by heat, ultraviolet rays, sterilizing spray or rinsing, or antibacterial bristles. In fact, even the best products are not guaranteed to kill all the germs in your toothbrush. It can kill up to 99.99% of the germs, which means that if there are a million bacteria on your toothbrush, after disinfection There may still be 1,000 surviving. How often should I change my toothbrush? The best way to stop the number of bacteria on your toothbrush is to renew it over time. The American Dental Association recommends a new toothbrush every 3-4 months. If the bristles are worn out, or if you are sick, or if your immunity is weak, the interval between replacements is shorter. Harms said: "Bacteria in the mouth can cause periodontal disease, tooth decay and bad breath. Be sure to brush your teeth and use dental floss as much as possible to remove the bacteria. Rinse your mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash before you brush your teeth. The number of germs running to the toothbrush. "


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