
He had a bloody bowel movement ... too scared of the toilet! It turned out to be a cause of trouble

In the era of the developed Internet, many young people or office workers often "seated" in front of computer desks, gradually reducing the age of "anal fissure" patients. Doctors also revealed that it may be related to poor living habits. Recently, there was a man in his 30s who likes to stay up all night and play electric games. A few months ago, he felt a pain in the bowel movements like a knife cut. Later, the man couldn't bear the pain, so he hurried to the hospital for examination. The diseases that cause anal fissures are mostly caused by bad bowel habits or harder stools! According to ETtoday Health Cloud, the man began to experience anal pain in defecation due to prolonged sedentary and irregular living habits, and felt an intense burning sensation in the anal mouth after defecation, sometimes even after 10 to 20 minutes. The pain disappeared, and was eventually diagnosed as "anal fissure" by a physician. Huang Qishuan, director of the colon and rectal surgery department of his revitalizing hospital, said, "In recent years, the computerization of the office and the Internet have become popular. Generally, office workers and adolescents are used to sitting for a long time. In addition to causing back pain, it also easily causes anal diseases." Huang Qishuan revealed that there are actually two types of anal fissure, one is acute anal fissure, which is usually caused by excessive force during the defecation process, and the other is chronic anal fissure, which is mainly caused by the patient's long-term sphincter tightness, anal exit too small, and accumulated over time. Causes the appearance of cracks. Typical symptoms are pain, such as a knife cut, during defecation. Patients often have pain, fear of defecation, and even dare not defecate. When the feces stay in the rectum for a long time, they will gradually dry out and become more severe when discharged. It is easy to cause anal lacerations and eventually form a vicious circle.   Huang Qishuan said that the symptoms of anal fissure and hemorrhoids are similar and often confuse many people. The best difference between the two cases is that when the patient finishes defecation, he will feel a clear pain. He also suggested that people can improve their living habits so that "anal fissures" do not occur repeatedly.   Huang Qishuan will use high-fiber diet and take softeners when treating patients with anal fissure in the early stage. He will also use ointments and suppositories to reduce pain. If the above methods are not effective, they may be treated by simple surgery. In addition to excision and suture of anal fissure ulcer, part of the internal sphincter will also be cut to avoid long-term spasm of the internal sphincter, which will cause the anal fissure to recur.


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